Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sacred my ass......

Ken Starr filed a legal brief on behalf of the "Yes on 8" campaign that would forcibly divorce the thousands of same-sex couples that were married in California before the idiotic, hateful and selfish passage of Prop 8.

How does making two people who love each other forcibly divorce fit into the "sanctity of marriage" argument? I guess if you have to use that illogic, it only works pre-marriage. These couples are already married, legally, whether you homophobic, hate mongers want them to be or not. What's done is done. Yet you want to FORCIBLY break the union already LEGALLY created.

My favorite song verse is "talk about a man named jesus, a man of love, a man of faith, but what a man did 2000 years ago means nothing at all to me today". So clearly the fear of same-sex marriage is just bible thumping, bible distorting bullshit to me anyway, so there is no way I could ever understand it.

The divorce rate among all of us (yes, I am in the divorce process) man-woman marriages is, what, 50% or so. How is that sacred?
Men and women going on a televised game show to find love and a spouse. How is that sacred?
TV evangelists with mistresses and hookers on the side. Sacred?

Marriage is made sacred by the two people within it. Not the church, not the bible, not the genders of those two people. Marriage is not sacred just because it's marriage. Marriage is legal. Courthouses marry people. "The power invested in me by the sates of....." As far as I know, it's against the law to deny any group of people their legal rights. I thought discrimination was against the law. On paper at least.
We should be upholding the letter of the law, not the anecdotes and misguided, illiterate interpretations of a 2000 year old book.

Random thought of genius opinion. (Typos not part of the genius, BTW. You can't spellcheck the free flowing thoughts of genius. That's my story and i'm sticking with it!)

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